1. T:Taishō shinshū daizōkyō大正新修大藏經. See Takakusu, et al, in Secondary Sources.
2. Gaoseng zhuan高僧傳 [Biographies of the Eminent Monks], by Huijiao 慧皎 (497-554 ce).Tno. 2059, vol. 50.
3. Guang Hongming ji廣弘明集 [Expanded Collection on the Propagation of the Light]. 10juan, compiled by Shi Daoxuan 释道宣 (596-667 ce).T. no. 2103, vol. 52.
4. Ji Shenzhou sanbao gantong lu集神州三寶感通錄 [Collected Records of Miraculous Responses of the Three Treasures on the Land of Divinity]. 3juan, compiled by Shi Daoxuan 释道宣 (596-667 ce).Tno. 2106, vol. 52.
5. Jiu Tangshu舊唐書 [Old Book of the Tang], 200juan. By Liu Xu 劉昫 (888-947 ce) ca. 945. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju 中華書局, 1975.