1. Problems in the sampling and analysis of carbon particulate
2. Cahill , T A. , Eldred , R A. , Kusko , B H. , Feeney , P J. , and Malm , W C. ( 1986 ). InVisibility Protection-Research and Policy Aspects( P S. Bhardwaja , ed. ). Transactions of APCA International Speciality Conference , Grand Teton National Park , WY , September 7–10 , 1986 , pp. 407 – 417 .
3. Eldred , R A. , Feeney , P J. , Cahill , T A. , and Malm , W C. ( 1986 ). InVisibility Protection-Research and Policy Aspects( P S. Bhardwaja , ed. ). Transactions of APCA International Specialty Conference , Grand Teton National Park , WY , September 7–10 , 1986 , pp. 646 – 656 .