1. Abraham, N. (1999)Rythmes: De la philosophie, de la psychanalyse et de la poésie,2ndedition, Paris: Flammarion.
2. Bass, A. (1985) ‘On the History of Mistranslation and the Psychoanalytic Movement’, in Joseph F. Graham (ed)Difference in Translation,Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 102–141.
3. Benjamin, Walter (1923/1968) ‘The Task of the Translator’, inIlluminations,edited by Hannah Arendt, trans. by Harry Zohn, New York: Schocken Books.
4. Berman, Antoine (1984)L’épreuve de l’etranger: Culture et traduction dans I’Allemagne romantique,Paris: Gallimard; trans. by S. Heyvaert asThe Experience o/the Foreign,1992, Albany: SUNY Press.
5. Berman, Antoine (1985) ‘La Traduction comme épreuve de l’étranger’,Texte4: 67–81, trans. by Lawrence Venuti as ‘Translation and the Trials of the Foreign’, in Lawrence Venuti (ed)The Translation Studies Reader,2000, London & New York: Routledge, 284–97.