1. Crawford, I.M. and J.D. Clarke 1976 Aboriginal Use of Huntite in Rock Art, Kimberley, Western Australia. Unpublished report prepared for the Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies.
2. Donaldson, M. and K. Kenneally 2007Rock Art of the Kimberley: Proceedings of the Kimberley Society Rock Art Seminar.Perth: The Kimberley Society.
3. One Colour, (at Least) Two Minerals: A Study of Mulberry Rock Art Pigment and a Mulberry Pigment ‘Quarry’ from the Kimberley, Northern Australia
4. Randolph, P. and J. Clarke 1987 Wanng Ngari CEP Project Assessment: Investigation of Complaint that Re-painting of Ngarinyin Rock Art Sites is an Act of Desecration. Upublished report prepared for the Aboriginal Sites Department.
5. Thomas, A.M. 1998 Spirit of the Serpent: An Ethnographic and Scientific Analysis of the White Pigments used in Wandjina Rock Art, Kimberleys, Western Australia. Unpublished BA(Hons) thesis, Department of Archaeology and Paleoanthropology, University of New England, Armidale.