1. a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , Atlanta , GA , 30333
2. b University of South Florida, College of Public Health , Tampa , FL , 33612
3. c University of California, Los Angeles School of Public Health , Los Angeles , CA , 90089
4. d University of Oklahoma, Health Sciences Center , Oklahoma City , OK , 73104
5. e University of South Carolina, Arnold School of Public Health , Columbia , SC , 29208
6. f University of South Carolina, Arnold School of Public Health , Columbia , SC , 29208
7. g Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , Atlanta , GA , 30333
8. h Los Angeles County Health Department , Los Angeles , CA , 90012
9. i University of South Florida, College of Public Health , Tampa , FL , 33612
10. j University of South Florida, College of Public Health , Tampa , FL , 33612
11. k Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , Atlanta , GA , 30333