1. Albert, OT, Nilssen, EM, Nedreaas, KH and Gundersen, AC. Recent variations in recruitment of Northeast Atlantic Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) in relation to physical factors. ICES Council Meeting. 1997/EE:06. 22 p.
2. Albert, OT, Nilssen, EM, Stene, A, Gundersen, AC and Nedreaas, KH. Spawning of the Barents Sea/Norwegian Sea Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides). ICES Council Meeting. 1998/0:22.
3. Anon. Report of the 1CES/NAF0 workshop on Greenland halibut age determination. ICES Council Meeting. 1997/G:1.53p.