1. Archives d’État de Genève Geneva. Registers of the Company of Pastors of Geneva. vol. 9. Cited as RCP.
2. Archives d’État de Genève Geneva. Registers of the Small Council of Geneva. vols. 143–148. Cited as RC.
3. SP 96/6/1, f. 127-128. Secretaries of State: State Papers Foreign, Switzerland. 1660;National Archives UK, London;Cited as National Archives UK, SP 96/6/1, f. 127-128
4. National Archives UK London. SP 96/6/2 f. 139vr. Secretaries of State: State Papers Foreign Switzerland. 1662. Cited as National Archives UK SP 96/6/2 f. 139rv (1 July 1662).
5. A Companion to the Reformation in Geneva