1. Barfield Owen. “Barfield on the Origin of Language”. Owen Barfield Literary Estates 1977. owenbarfield.org. Accessed 8/22/2023.
2. Cameron, Angus, Ashley Crandell, Amos, and Antonette DiPaolo, Healey. Dictionary of Old English: A to I Online (DOE). Toronto U P, 2018.
3. Cleasby, Richard, Gudbrand Vigfusson, and William Craigie. An Icelandic-English Dictionary. 2nd ed., Oxford U P. 1957.
4. Healey, Antonette diPaolo, John Price Wilkin, and Xin Xiang. Dictionary of Old English Web Corpus (DOEC). Dictionary of Old English Project, 2009.
5. The illusion of absence: how a common feature of magic shows can explain a class of road accidents