1. Berland, M., Pelletier & Krajcik. 2017. In Helping Students Make Sense of the World Using Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices edited by B. J. Reiser, , C. Passmore and C. Schwarz, 59–83. National Science Teachers Association.
2. Use of Cognitive Apprenticeship Models of Instruction to Support Middle School Students’ Construction and Critique of Written Scientific Explanations and Arguments
3. A Framework for K-12 Science Education
4. Using Multi-faceted Rasch Models to Understand Middle School Students’ Argumentation Around Scenarios Grounded in Socio-scientific Issues
5. Womack, A. J., E. Wulff, T. D. Sadler, and W. Romine. 2017. “Assessment of Next Generation Science Learning.” Paper Presentation at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.