1. Yamasaki, M., Kuroishi, T. and Takeda, T. 2008.Progress in development of Erbia-Bearing Super High Burnup Fuel. Proc. Int. Cong. on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP). June8–122008. [CDROM]
2. Yoshioka, K., Watanabe, S., Mitsuhashi, I., Gunji, S., Yamaoka, M. and Hiraiwa, K. 2009.A minimal-content gadolinia in above-5wt% enrichment fuel for criticality safety in next-generation LWR. Proc. ANFM 2009. April12–152009. [CD-ROM]
3. Yamasaki, M., Kuroishi, T. and Takeda, T. 2009.The outline of development project on erbia bearing super-high-burnup fuel. Proc. ANFM 2009. April12–152009. [CD-ROM]
4. Unesaki, H., Takeda, T., Yamamoto, A., Mori, M. and Yamasaki, M. 2008.Integral experiment on erbia-loaded thermal spectrum cores using Kyoto University Critical Assembly. Proc. Int. Conf. on the Physics of Reactors (PHYSOR 2008). September14–192008. [CD-ROM]