1. The Utilization of Product Development Methods: A Survey of UK Industry
2. NORELL, M. The use of DFA, FMEA, and QFD as tools for concurrent engineering in product development processes. Proceedings of ICED 93. The Hague.
3. McQUATER, R.E., DALE, B.G., BOADEN, R.J. and WILCOX, M. The effectiveness of quality management tools and techniques: an examination of the key influences in five plants. IMechE Proceedings, Part B Engineering Manufacture. Vol. 21 O, pp.329–339.
4. ANDREASEN, M.M. Design strategy. Proceedings of ICED 87. Boston, MA, USA. pp.171–178. ASME.
5. Failure mode and effects analysis in the U.K. motor industry: A state-of-the-art study