1. Acosta-Velázquez, J., Rodríguez-Zuñiga, T., Díaz-Gallegos, J.R., Cerdeira-Estrada, S., Troche-Souza, C., Cruz, I., Ressl, R. and Jiménez, R. Assessing a nationwide spatial distribution of mangrove forest for Mexico: an analysis with high resolution images. 33rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, ISRSE. May4–82009, Stresa, Italy. pp.4The European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the International Center for Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE).
2. Assessing different remote sensing techniques to detect land use/cover changes in the eastern Mediterranean
3. A fuzzy set-based accuracy assessment of soft classification
4. Colditz, R.R., Acosta-Velázquez, J., Díaz Gallegos, J.R., Vázquez Lule, A.D., Rodríguez-Zúñiga, M.T., Cruz López, M.I. and Ressl, R. Cuantificación de los principales factores del error geoespacial en la detección de cambios. Proceedings of XIV Symposium of the Sociedad Latinoamerica de Percepción Remota y Sistemas de Información Espacial, SELPER 2010. November8–122010, Guanajuato, Mexico. pp.10SELPER (Sociedad Latinoamericana de Percepción Remota y Sistemas de Información Espacial).
5. Change detection using the Gramm-Schmidt transformation applied to mapping forest mortality