1. Comparative performance of conservation agriculture and current smallholder farming practices in semi-arid Zimbabwe
2. Penetration resistance of fine sandy apedal soils as affected by relative bulk density, water content and texture
3. Beukes DJ, Nel AA, Trytsman G, Craven M, Steenkamp S, Rhode OHJ, van Staden P, van Zyl B. 2017. Investigating the impacts of conservation agriculture practices on soil health as key to sustainable dry land maize production systems on semi-arid sandy soils with water tables in the north-western Free State. Final progress report for the period: 1 January to 30 September 2017 of project funded by the Maize Trust. https://www.grainsa.co.za/upload/SOK-final-progress-report-30-Sept-2017-reduced.pdf
4. Beukes DJ, Nel AA, Trytsman G, Steenkamp S, Rhode OHJ, Abrahams AM, van Staden P, van Zyl B. 2018. Investigating the impacts of conservation agriculture practices on soil health as key to sustainable dry land maize production systems on semi-arid sandy soils with water tables in the north western Free State: Final progress report for the period 1 January to 30 September 2018 of project funded by the Maize Trust. Pretoria: GrainSA and Agricultural Research Council. https://assetresearch.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/SSDC-final-progress-report-30-sept-2018-smaller.pdf