1. Arm, M. International Conference on Sustainability in the Cement and Concrete industry. Lillehammer, Norway. Strength development in road layers of crushed concrete – results from field tests., pp.290–298.
2. Aurstad, J., Dahlhaug, J. E. and Berntsen, G. 8th International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads and Airfields. Urbana Champaign. Unbound crushed concrete in high volume roads – evaluation of field behavior and structural performance., 29th June–2nd July. 10 pages.
3. Aurstad, J. and Uthus, N. S. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Unbound Aggregates in Roads, UNBAR 5. Nottingham, England. Use of stockpiled asphalt and demolition debris in road construction in Norway., 21–23 June. 6 pages.
4. Descantes, Y., Arm, M., De La Roche, C., Pihl, K. A., Gaspar, L., Mollenhauer, K. and … Mirski, K. Proceedings of 2nd International Conference Environmentally Friendly Roads. Warsaw, Poland. DIRECT-MAT: Bringing together best practice across Europe on the dismantling and recycling of road materials.
5. Practical approach for designing flexible pavements using recycled roadway materials as base course