1. Bergson, Henri (1998 [1907]) Creative Evolution, Mineola, NY: Dover Publications.
2. Bodmer, Walter (2011) ‘Preface’, in D. McCaw (ed.) The Laban Sourcebook, London and New York, NY: Routledge, XVII–XIX.
3. Boehme, F. (1926) Tanzkunst, Dessau: C. Duennhaupt.
4. Crespi, Paola (2014) ‘Rhythmanalysis in gymnastics and dance: Rudolf Bode and Rudolf Laban’, in J. Henriques, M. Tiainen and P. Valiaho (eds) ‘Rhythm, movement, embodiment’, Body & Society 20(3&4): 30–50.
5. Drawing Rhythm: On the Work of Rudolf Laban