1. In-taek Hyun and Masao Okonogi, “Security Cooperation in Asia,” paper presented at the 1994 meeting of the “Korea-Japan Forum,” Tokyo, Aug. 24–26, 1994; Moon-hong Soon, “After the Perry Report: The Korean Peninsula Game Enters the Second Round”East Asian Review, Vol. 11, No. 4 (Winter 1999), pp. 3–20.
2. Yong-sup Han, “Korea's Security Strategy for the 21st Century: Cooperation and Conflict,” paper presented at the International Conference on the International Security Environment in Northeast Asia, Seoul, June 9–10, 1996.
3. Chosun Ilbo, Mar. 29, 1998. Unless otherwise noted, Korean-language newspaper sources appear in translation in Korea Focus.
4. North Korea Advisory Group, “Report to the Speaker, US House of Representatives,” Nov. 1999.