1. Atkins-Burnett, S., Monahan, S., Tarullo, L., Xue, Y., Cavadel, E., Malone, L. & Akers, L. (2015). Measuring the Quality of Caregiver-Child Interactions for Infants and Toddlers (Q-CCIIT) (OPRE Report No. 2015-13). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation.
2. Atkins-Burnett, S., Tarullo, L., Monahan, S., Hurwitz, F., Bruursema, T., Li, A., Blesson, E., Cannon, J., De Mond, A. & Heckler, A. (2020). The We Grow Together Professional Development System Final Report of the 2019 Field Test (OPRE Report No. 2020-170). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families.
3. Maternal responsiveness and cognitive development in children
4. The Child Care HOME Inventories: assessing the quality of family child care homes