1. Beijing Declaration and Platform of Action. 1995. Adopted at the Fourth World Conference on Women, 27 October 1995. Endorsed by UN GA Resolution 50/203, December 22, 1995.
2. Charter of the United Nations. 1945. 1 UNTS XV1. June 26, 1945. Entered into Force October 24, 1945.
3. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, Degrading Treatment or Punishment (UNCAT). 1984. UN General Assembly Res. 39/46. 1465 UNTS 85. December 10, 1984. Entered into Force June 26, 1987.
4. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). 1979. UN General Assembly Res. 34/180. 1249 UNTS 13. December 18, 1979. Entered into Force September 3, 1981.
5. Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). 1989. UN General Assembly Res. 44/25. 1577 UNTS 3. November 20, 1989. Entered into Force September 2, 1990.