1. Abu-Farsakh , M. Y. , H. H. Titi , and M. T. Tumay . 1999 . Prediction of bearing capacity of friction piles in soft Louisiana soils by cone penetration test.Journal of Transportation Research Board, TRR No. 1675, National Academy Press, Washington, D. C. 32–39 .
2. Assessment of Direct Cone Penetration Test Methods for Predicting the Ultimate Capacity of Friction Driven Piles
3. Use of the piezocone test to predict the axial capacity of driven and jacked piles in clay
4. Measured and Predicted Axial Response of 98 Piles
5. Brown , R. P. 2001 . Predicting the ultimate axial resistance of single driven piles. PhD thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, pp. 241 .