1. Moorthy, V. K. and Rao, S. V. K. “The influence of powder characteristics and furnace atmospheres on the sintering behaviour of UO2”—Fourth Plansee Seminar on ‘Powder Metallurgy in Nuclear Age’, June 1961, Reutte, Tyrol, Austria.
2. A Study of the Factors Influencing the Sinterability of Uranium Dioxide
3. Sintering of Thoria Powders—Part IV Development of Crystallinity in Thoria Powders During Heating and its Influence on their Sintering Behaviour
4. Moorthy, V. K., Kulkarni, A. K. and Rao, S. V. K. “Relation between the origin, powder characteristics and sintering treatments on the densification and microstructure of compacts of urania and thoria”, Presented at the ‘Third United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy’, Geneva, Aug/Sept. 1964.