1. Alexander , GR. 1975a . “ Growth, survival, production and diet of hatchery-reared rainbow and brook trout stocked in East Fish Lake under different stock densities, cropping regimes and competition levels ” . Ann Arbor , MI : Michigan Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Research Report 1828 .
2. Alexander , GR. 1975b . “ Growth, survival, production and diet of hatchery-reared rainbow trout stocked in Fuller Pond, Montmorency County, Michigan ” . Ann Arbor , MI : Michigan Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Research Report 1829 .
3. Barton , B A and Bidgood , B F . 1979 . “ Competitive feeding habits of rainbow trout, white sucker and longnose sucker in Paine Lake, Alberta ” . Calgary , AB : Alberta Department of Recreation, Parks and Wildlife, Fish and Wildlife Division Fisheries Research Report 16 .
4. A Study of Two Northern Pike-Bluegill Populations