1. The Sexual Politics of the "New Abolitionism"
2. Queer as in Abolition Now!
3. Bierria, A., Caruthers, J., & Lober, B. (2022a). Abolition feminisms vol. 1: Organizing, surviving, and transformative practices. Haymarket Books. https://www.haymarketbooks.org/books/1881-abolition-feminisms-vol-1
4. Bierria, A., Caruthers, J., & Lober, B. (2022b). Abolition feminisms vol 2: Feminist ruptures against the carceral state. Haymarket Books. https://www.haymarketbooks.org/books/1955-abolition-feminisms-vol-2
5. Black and Pink. (n.d.). We fight to abolish prisons. Retrieved February 19 2024 from https://www.blackandpink.org/