The transmission of two new scientific disciplines from Europe to North America in the late nineteenth century


Dolby R.G.A.1


1. a Unit for the History, Philosophy and Social Relations of Science , University of Kent at Canterbury , Canterbury, CT2 7NR, England


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History and Philosophy of Science

Reference66 articles.

1. The problem is illustrated by the attempt of J. F. Herbart to develop a science of psychology which would escape Kant's criticisms of the possibility of an experimental science of psychology. Herbart produced a formal, somewhat mathematical, science, though grounded upon experience. See, for example, the account of Herbart in Boring E.G.A history of experimental psychologyNew York 1950 250 261

2. The senses and the intellect.

3. Among the many accounts of the development of German psychology, E. G. Boring's is especially to be recommended Boring E.G.A history of experimental psychologyNew York 1950 250 261

4. Wilhelm Wundt

Cited by 13 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Beyond Bakelite;LEMELSON CENT STUD I;2020

2. The double transfer of thermodynamics: From physics to chemistry and from Europe to America;Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A;2019-10

3. Breaking the Arrows of Causality: The Idea of Catalysis in its Making;The Catalyzing Mind;2013-11-12

4. Integrating Psychology within the Globalizing World: A Requiem to the Post-Modernist Experiment with Wissenschaft;Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science;2009-01-21

5. What Is in a Name? Understanding the Implications of Participant Terminology;Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science;2008-08-20







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