1. Abler, R. (1975) Effects of space adjusting technologies on the human geography of the future, in: R. Abler , D. Janelle, A. Philbrick and J. Sommer (Eds) Human Geography in a Shrinking World, pp. 35-56. North Scituate, MA: Duxburg Press.
2. Allen, J. (1999) Cities of power and influence: settled formations , in: J. Allen, D. Massey and M. Pryke (Eds) Unsettling Cities: Movement/ Settlement, pp. 181-227. London: Routledge.
3. Amin, A. and Graham, S. (1999) Cities of connection and disconnection, in: J. Allen, D. Massey and M. Pryke (Eds) Unsettling Cities: Movement/Settlement, pp. 7-47. London : Routledge.
4. A roster of world cities