1. 7800 Susquehanna Street. 2022. “7800 Susquehanna Street.” Accessed January 31, 2022. https://www.7800susquehanna.org.
2. About Brew House. 2022. “About Brew House.” Accessed January 31, 2022. https://www.brewhousepgh.com/our-story.
3. Alexandrowicz, John L. Photographer. 1973. “View of the Skyline at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Lining Both Sides of the Monongahela River in the Foreground Are Plants Owned by the Jones and Laughlin Steel Corporation. The Pollution Has Continued. Since This Picture Was Taken. Cleanup Efforts Have Been Scheduled at the Jones and Laughlin Plants.” National Archives Catalog. Accessed February 4, 2022. https://catalog.archives.gov/id/557227.
4. American Iron and Steel Institute. 2022. “History of the Steelmark.” Accessed January 30, 2022. https://www.steel.org/about-aisi/history/history-of-the-steelmark/.
5. Clusters and knowledge: local buzz, global pipelines and the process of knowledge creation