Paulo Freire's Contributions to Radical Adult Education


Allman Paula


Informa UK Limited


Sociology and Political Science,Education

Reference11 articles.

1. It is important to consider, e.g. what Gramsci says about educational relationships on pages 349–350 of Gramsci, A. (1929–1935)Selections from the Prison Notebooks, Hoare, Q. and Smith, G. N. (editors and translators, Lawrence and Wishart, 1971).

2. For a materialist, i.e. Marxist, analysis of the post-modern condition see Harvey, D. (1989),The Condition of Post-Modernity, Oxford: Blackwell. His description of the postmodern condition and his analysis of its causes have important implications for anyone trying to form a critical understanding of current trends in adult education, particularly in the UK and the rest of the so-called ‘developed’ world.

3. Praxis: Implication for ‘Really’ Radical Education

4. Freire, P. (1972).Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Harmondsworth: Penguin

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2. Deterritorialising student voice and partnership in higher education;Higher Education;2022-11-28

3. Critical Literacy, Community, and Change Among Women of Color Adult Literacy Learners;New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education;2019-12

4. The Sustainable Calgary Story: A Local Response to a Global Challenge;Community Indicators Measuring Systems;2017-09-08

5. Human Rights Education for Peace and Conflict Resolution;Advances in Educational Marketing, Administration, and Leadership;2016







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