1. Ervin, R., Winkler, C., Fancher, P., Hagan, M., Krishnaswami, V., Zhang, H., Bogard. 1998. Two Active Systems for Enhancing Dynamic Stability in Heavy Truck Operations. Final report. University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute. 206 p. Sponsor: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C. Report No. UMTRI-98-39.
2. Ervin, R. D.; Mathew, A. 1988. Reducing the risk of spillage in the transportation of chemical wastes by truck. Final report. University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute. 25 p. Sponsor: Rohm and Haas, Bristol, Pa. Report No. UMTRI-88-28.
3. Active Roll Control of Articulated Vehicles
4. Design of an Active Unilateral Brake Control System for Five-Axle Tractor-Semitrailer Based on Sensitivity Analysis