1. Applied Research Associates, ARA, 2015. Methodology for the development of equivalent pavement structural design matrix for municipal roadways-Ontario including maintenance & rehabilitation schedules and life cycle cost analysis. Toronto, ON: Applied Research Associates, Inc. No.000830.
2. Athena Sustainable Material Institute, 2005. Cement and structural concrete products: life cycle inventory update #2. Ottawa: Athena Sustainable Materials Institute.
3. Preface
4. BCA 1994. Foamed concrete- composition and properties . First published in 1991 British Cement Association.
5. CAC, 2016. General use (GU) and Portland limestone (GUL) cements [online]: Cement Association of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. Available from: https://www.stmaryscement.com/Documents/Canada/CAC%20EPD%20(GU,%20GUL.pdf) [Accessed 30 Apr 2022].