1. Bryan, Alan L.1965 Personal communication March 31. Edmonton, Alberta.
2. Davis, Leslie B. and Emmett Stallcop 1965 The Keaster Site (24PH401): A Stratified Bison Kill Occupation In the Missouri Breaks Area of Northcentral Montana. Montana Archaeological Society Memoir No. 2, Montana State University.
3. DesRosier, Fred 1964 Personal communication January 8. Browning, Montana.
4. Forbis, Richard G.1957 Some Late Sites In The Oldman River Region, Alberta. National Museum of Canada Bulletin 162, Contributions To Anthropology. Ottawa.
5. Forbis, Richard G.1960 The Old Women’s Buffalo Jump, Alberta. National Museum of Canada Bulletin 180, Contributions To Anthropology, Part I. Ottawa.