1. Bell, Earl H. 1936 Chapters in Nebraska Archaeology. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.
2. Bell, Earl H. and G. H. Gilmore 1936 The Nehawka and Table Rock Foci of the Nebraska Aspect. Chapters in Nebraska Archaeology, pp. 301-355. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.
3. Brew, J. O. 1946 Archaeology of Alkali Ridge, Southeastern Utah. Papers in American Archaeology and Ethnology, Peabody Museum, Volume XXI. Cambridge.
4. Champe, John L. 1936 The Sweetwater Culture Complex. Chapters in Nebraska Archaeology, No. 3, pp. 249-297. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.
5. Cooper, Paul L. 1936 Archaeology of Certain Sites in Cedar County, Nebraska. Chapters in Nebraska Archaeology, No. 1, pp. 11-145. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln.