Applications of the Modulated Liquid Crystal-Linear Dichroism (I. C.-I. d.) to Spectro- and Stereo-chemical Problems-Part 31


Samorì B.1


1. a Facoltà di Chimica Industriale, Via Risorgimento 4 , 40136, Bologna, (Italy)


Informa UK Limited

Reference17 articles.

1. The liquid crystal–linear dichroism (l.c.–l.d.) of organic molecules by a modulation technique. Part 2. The phenylthio and thiophthen chromophores studied by an ‘l. d. substitution approach’

2. Modulation Techniques in Polarization Spectroscopy

3. In Eq. 5 of Ref. 1, a bracket in the numerator was not shown: the correct form isJ0(d0) =

4. Both in Ref. 1 and 10[E||(LD) + E(LD)]/2 has been labelled “isotropic absorption” because the sample is so oriented with respect to the two planes of polarization of the light beam that it behaves as an isotropic material (1. d. = 0). This definition, as privately observed by J. Michl (Salt Lake City), may create confusion with the “absorption of an isotropic sample”E15(LD) = [E||(LD) + 2E(LD)]/3: that is why we now use the notation “average absorption” instead

5. Linear dichroism of organic molecules in electrically oriented liquid crystal matrices

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