1. Bouthier, D. (1984). Sports collectifs: Contribution à l’analyse de l’activité et éléments pour une formation tactique essentielle. L’exemple du rugby [Team sports: Contribution to the analysis of activity and elements for an essential tactical education] (Unpublished Master’s thesis). INSEP, Paris (France).
2. Applications for Constructivist Teaching in Physical Education
3. Teaching Games for Understanding
4. Chang, C.W. (2009). Langage, pensée et action: approche sémio-constructiviste des apprentissages du jeu en basket-ball chez l’élève de CM2 (5ième grade) [Language, thought and action: Semio-constructivist approach to basketball game-play learning with 5th grade pupils] (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Franche-Comté, Besançon (France).