Yuliyantini Asti,Kusmana Cecep
Elang Laut area is one of the mangrove areas on Muara Angke coast in the northern Jakarta. Mangrove rehabilitation with the guludan technique is applied in the Elang Laut to revegetated degraded mangrove in this area. This study aims to measure the growth of planted mangrove (Rhizophora mucronata) seedlings with guludan technique, seedling’s health condition, and their survival rate in the Elang Laut area. The data collected in this study includes the growth of seedlings and their health condition, substrate condition, climatic factors, and water quality. On year after planting, it is observed that the seedlings’ survival rate of 97,27%, average seedling’s stem diameter of 1,42 cm, average seedling’s height of 79,71 cm, average seedling’s leaf number of 25 leaves, and the average seedling’s internode number of 8 internodes, among them 64% of the seedlings are in a healthy condition.
Lomaka & Romina Publisher
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