1. T.J. Pashos et al.,Trans. Am. Nuclear Society, 7, 1964, 2, p. 416.
2. D.C. Bullington, “Yankee Irradiation Program, Summary Report, Part I. Yankee In-Pile Irradiation Test,” USAEC Report YAEC-182, Westinghouse Electric Corp, January 1962.
3. J.B. Brown, V.W. Storhok, and J.E. Gates,Trans. Am. Nuclear Society, 10, 1967, p. 668.
4. C.F. Cheng,Corrosion, 20, 1964, p. 341.
5. V. Pasupathi and R.W. Klingensmith, “Investigation of Fuel Rod Failures in the Connecticut Yankee Reactor,” Battelle Report BCL-585-19, November 1980.