1. Flora of Kazakhstan, Vol. 6 [in Russian], Alma-Ata (1963), p. 32.
2. M. V. Telezhenetskaya, in: Progress in Research on Alkaloid-Bearing Plants, Kh. N. Aripov, ed. [in Russian], Fan, Tashkent (1993), p. 221.
3. Atlas of Areals and Resources of Medicinal Plants of Kazakhstan [in Russian], Gylym, Almaty (1994), p. 18.
4. R. N. Chopra, S. L. Nayar, and I. C. Chopra, Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants, C.S.I.R., New Delhi (1956), 187.
5. S. Siddiqui, Pak. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 5, 207 (1962).