1. W. BOCK-WERTHMANN, G. PAPACOSTIDIS, A. P. GRIMANIS, J. PETROU, D. GEORGIOU, M. VASSILAKI-GRIMANI, Demo Report 74/15, Greek Atomic Energy Commission Athens, Greece, 1974.
2. H. J. M. BOWEN, Trace elements in Biochemistry. Academic Press, London and New York, 1966.
3. W. C. BOWMAN, M. J. RAND, G. B. WEST, Textbook of Pharmacology. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford and Edinburg, 1968.
4. Documenta Geigy, Scientific Tables, 6th ed. Konrad Diem, Published by J. R. GEIGY S. A., Basle, Switzerland, 1962.
5. P. FOURNIER, Le livre des plantes médicinales et vénéneuses de France, Paul Lechevalier, 12 rue de Tournon, Paris VIe, 1947.