1. Annas, J. E. 1993. Hellenistic Philosophy of Mind. Berkeley: University of California Press.
2. Aristotle. 1969. Politics: The Athenian Constitution, trans. John Warrington. London: Heron Books.
3. Bentham, J. 1843. Anarchical Fallacies. In The Works of Jeremy Bentham, ed. J. Bentham, Vol. II. Published under the Superintendence of His Executor, John Bowring, Edinburgh: William Tait.
4. Bentham, J. 2002. Rights, Representation, and Reform: Nonsense upon Stilts and other Writings on the French Revolution, ed. P. Schofield, C. Pease-Watkin and C. Blamires. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
5. Blackstone, W. 1765–1769. Commentaries on the Laws of England. Oxford: Clarendon Press.