Dissemination of Japanese Quality Control in Brazil


Hamaguchi NobuakiORCID,Miyazaki Silvio Y. M.


AbstractUntil the 1980s, Brazilian industrialization was oriented toward the domestic market. Although competitive pressure was weak, exporting companies and local subsidiaries of multinationals deployed the Japanese quality control model, which was considered the hallmark of the Japanese industry’s competitiveness. Individual companies and local business associations were the leading promoters of quality control, with the collaboration of JUSE. The first boom fell short of expectations because of the lack of understanding from corporate managers and some inter-cultural problems for workers in introducing Total Quality Control. The market liberalization since the 1990s set new ground for competitiveness-seeking quality control, supported by the government. The second boom did not materialize because of the industrial paradigm change for machine-based productivity gains, while Japanese style quality control is human-based. Still, we find that Japanese style quality control has been effectively used in non-industrial sectors such as public administration and healthcare. We argue that Japanese technical cooperation capitalizing on quality control methods will enhance Brazil’s labor productivity and social well-being.


Springer Nature Singapore

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