1. A Comparative Life Cycle Analysis (2012) Natural, Submitted to International Fur Trade Federation, Submitted by DSS Management Consultants Inc. http://www.furinformationcenter. eu/media/3805/lca__final_report.pdf . Accessed 29 July 2015
2. Alloway TM (1972) Learning and memory in insects. Ann Rev Emomol 17:43–56
3. Bakhtin MM (1990) Art and answerability. Editied by Holquist M, Liapunov V (eds) Translation and notes by Liapunov V; supplement translated by Brostrom K. University of Texas Press, Austin, TX. From Bakhtin’s first published article and his early 1920s notebooks http://peaceaware.com/storytellingorganization/workshops/CT_Story_Ethics.pdf
4. Bakhtin MM (1993) Toward a philosophy of the act. Translation and Notes by Liapunov V. Edited by Holquist M, Liapunov V. University of Texas Press, Austin. From Bakhtin’s early 1920s notebooks. 1993 is First English printing. http://peaceaware.com/storytellingorganization/workshops/CT_Story_Ethics.pdf
5. Bentham J (1748–1832) Introduction to the principles of morals and legislation, ch. XVII. Published by Clarendon Press, Oxford 1907