1. Appadorai, A. (1985), Select Documents on India’s Foreign Policy and Relations 1947–1972, Delhi: Oxford University Press.
2. Camps, Miriam. (1964), Britain and the European Community 1955–1963, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
3. Chandra, S. (1958, 12 September), Reply by Deputy Minister of Commerce and Industry to a Question in the Lok Sabha. Foreign Affairs Record, pp. 262–263.
4. Chopra, H.S. (1964), “France, Britain and the West European Unity 1958–63,” Foreign Affairs Reports, 13(5), 57–64.
5. Curzon, G. (1965), Multilateral Commercial Diplomacy: The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and Its Impact on National Commercial Policies and Techniques, London: Michael Joseph.