1. Addison, Joseph (1712) ‘Pleasures of Imagination’, The Spectator, 411–421.
2. Asia Society (no posting date given), ‘Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove’, Asia Society online. (https://asiasociety.org/seven-sages-bamboo-grove#:~:text=The%20Seven%20Sages%20of%20the,and%20music%2C%20sometimes%20while%20inebriated; accessed 25 June 2023)
3. Binyon, Laurence (1911) The Flight of the Dragon: An Essay on the Theory and Practice of Art in China and Japan, Based on Original Sources, London: Murray.
4. Bois, Yve-Alain and Krauss, Rosalind E. (2000), Formless: A User's Guide, New York: Zone Books.
5. Camfield, William A. (1989), ‘Marcel Duchamp’s Fountain: Its History and Aesthetics in the Context of 1917’, in Kuenzli, Rudolf E. and Naumann, Francis M. eds., Marcel Duchamp: Artist of the Century, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 64–94.