1. Akhund, T.M.N.U., Jyoty, W.B., Siddik, M.A.B., Newaz, N.T., Al Wahid, S.A., Sarker, M.M.: Iot based low-cost robotic agent design for disabled and covid-19 virus affected people. In: 2020 Fourth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4), pp. 23–26. IEEE (2020)
2. Akhund, T.M.N.U., Mahi, M.J.N., Tanvir, A.H., Mahmud, M., Kaiser, M.S.: Adeptness: Alzheimer’s disease patient management system using pervasive sensors-early prototype and preliminary results. In: International Conference on Brain Informatics, pp. 413–422. Springer (2018)
3. Akhund, T.M.N.U., Newaz, N.T., Hossain, M.R.: Low-cost remote sensing IoT based smartphone controlled robot for virus affected people (2020)
4. Akhund, T.M.N.U., Rahman, M.H.: Bat banisher: an approach to create a high frequency ultrasound system to protect agricultural field from bats
5. Akhund, T.M.N.U., Sagar, I.A., Sarker, M.M.: Remote temperature sensing line following robot with bluetooth data sending capability