1. Abdolvand, Behrooz & Schulz, Heinrich (2003) ‘Verteidigung des Dollars mit anderen Mitteln’ [Defending the dollar by other means], Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, No. 2, pp. 181–182.
2. Abdolvand, Behrooz & Schulz, Heinrich (2010) ‘Elitenkampf um Ressourcen: Der Allokationskrieg im Iran’ [Élite struggle for resources: The war of allocation in Iran], WeltTrends, Vol. 18, No. 70 (January–February), pp. 55–64.
3. Achcar, Gilbert (1999) La nouvelle Guerre froide: Le monde après le Kosovo [The new Cold War: The world after the Kosovo], Paris: Presses universitaires de France (PUF).
4. Achcar, Gilbert (2000) ‘The Strategic Triad: USA, China, Russia’, in: Ali, Tariq (ed.) Masters of the Universe? NATO’s Balkan Crusade, London: Verso, pp. 99–144. [First published as ‘The Strategic Triad: The United States, Russia and China’, New Left Review, No. I/208 (March/April 1998), pp. 91–126.]
5. Agence France–Press [AFP] (2010) ‘Turkish PM says West unfair, insincere in Iran row: report’, 29 May.