1. I. Ia. Pomeranchuk:Žurn. Ėksp. Teor. Fiz.,30, 423 (1956) (translation:Soviet Phys. JETP,3, 306 (1956));L. B. Okun andI. Ia. Pomeranchuk:Žurn. Ėksp. Teor. Phys.,30, 424 (1956) (translation:Soviet Phys. JETP,3, 307 (1956)).
2. L. L. Foldy andR. F. Peierls:Phys. Rev.,130, 1585 (1963); called FP in the following.
3. D. Amati, S. Fubini andA. Stanghellini:Nuovo Cimento,26, 896 (1962). In this paper particular realizations of the dominance theorem were explicitly given in connection with Regge poles.
4. See,e.g.,M. E. Rose:Elementary Theory of Angular Momentum (New York, 1957); particularly, p. 38, 110–115. The significance of amplitudes in crossed channels as well as the utility of Racah coefficients to express crossing relations seems to have been first recognized byF. J. Dyson:Phys. Rev.,100, 344 (1955).
5. See, for example, eq. (6.11), p. 113, of ref. (4).