1. AS 1289 (2008) Methods for testing soils for engineering purposes, Method 3.4.1, soil classification tests – determination of the Linear shrinkage of a soil (Standard Method). Standards Australia International Ltd, Sydney, Australia
2. AS 1289 (2009a) Methods for testing soils for engineering purposes. Method 3.1.2, soil classification tests – determination of the Liquid of a soil– one point Casagrande Method (Subsidiary method). Standards Australia International Ltd, Sydney, Australia
3. AS 1289 (2009b) Methods for testing soils for Engineering purposes, Method 3.2.1, soil classification tests – determination of the plastic limits of a soil (Standard Method). Standards Australia International Ltd, Sydney, Australia
4. AS 2870 (2011) Residential slab and footings. Standards Australia International Ltd, Sydney, Australia
5. AS1289 (2003) Methods for testing soils for Engineering Purposes, Method 7.1.1, determination of the Shrinkage Index of a soil; Shrink Swell Index. Standards Australia International Ltd, Sydney, Australia