1. Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community of 18 April 1951, BGBl (1952) II p. 447 (not published in the UNTS).
2. Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community of 25 March 1957, 298 UNTS (1958) p. 167.
3. 34 ILM (1995) p. 360.
4. Such as competition, transfer of technology, access to capital and — peripherally — environment (see, for criticism of the ECT environment approach, F. Botchway, ‘Contemporary energy regime in Europe’, 26 ELRev (2001) p. 3 at pp. 14–16).
5. R. Lukes, ‘Energierecht’, in: M. Dauses, ed., Handbuch des EU-Wirtschaftsrechts, Vol. 2, Chap. M (Munich, Beck 2000) para. 56; H.D. Jarass, Europäisches Energierecht (Berlin, Duncker & Humblot 1996) p. 15.