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2. Rumsey, C. B.; Lee, D. B.: Measurements of aerodynamic heat transfer and boundary-layer transition on a 15° cone in free flight at supersonic Mach number up to 5.2, NASA TND 888, 1961
3. Rumsey, C. B.; Lee, D. B.: Measurements of aerodynamic heat transfer and boundary-layer transition on a 10° cone in free flight at supersonic Mach numbers up to 5.9, NASA TND 745, 1961
4. Kidd, C. T.: Thin-skin technique heat-transfer measurement errors due to heat conduction into thermocouple wires. ISA Transaction. (1985) 1–10
5. Conti, R. J.: Approximate temperature distributions and streamwise heat conduction effects in the transient aerodynamic heating of thin-skinned bodies. NASA TND-895, 1961