1. Alvarez, W. C. An Introduction to Gastro-Enterology, Third Edition of The Mechanics of the Digestive Tract. New York, Hocber, 1940.
2. Bourne, G. H. Ed.The Structure and Function of Muscle. Academic Press, New York, 1960, vol. I, II, and III.
3. Csapo, A. “Molecular structure and function of smooth muscle,” inThe Structure and Function of Muscle, edited by G. H. Bourne. Academic Press, New York, 1960 vol. I, p. 229.
4. Prosper, C. I., “Comparative physiology of activation of muscles, with particular attention to smooth muscles,” inThe Structure and Function of Muscle, edited by G. H. Bourne. Academic Press, New York, 1960, vol. II, p. 387.
5. Rowlands, E. N. “Gastrointestinal motility in man.” inModern Trends in Gastro-Enterology, edited by E Avery Jones. Hoeber, New York, 1952, chap. 22, p. 543.