1. R. L. Pritchard, Small signal parameters for Transistors, Electr. Engng. 73, 903 (Oct. 1954).
2. R. L. Pritchard, High-frequency power gain of junction transistors, Proc. IRE 43, 1075–1085 (1955). Siehe zusätzlich auch Ergänzung in Transistor Technologie 2, 361 (D. v. Nostrand, Princeton, N. J. 1958).
3. L. I. Giacoletto, Study of npn-junction transistor from DC through medium frequency, RCA Review 15, 506 (1954).
4. J. B. Angell, High-frequency and video amplifiers in «Handbook of semiconductor electronics» (L. P. Hunter) McGraw Hill, New York 1956.
5. Siehe hierzu etwa R. Feldtkeller, Vierpoltheorie, S. Hirzel, Zürich 1953 oder W. W. Gärtner, Transistors (D. v. Nostrand, Princeton N. J. 1960).