1. R. Descartes, Discours de la méthode pour bien conduire sa raison et chercher la vérité dans les sciences, with three appendices: La Dioptrique (Leyden, Leiden, 1637). https://fr.wikisource.org/wiki/Livre:Descartes_-_Discours_de_la_méthode,_éd._1637.djvu
2. R.K. Luneberg, Mathematical Theory of Optics, 1st edn. (University of California Press, Berkeley, 1964), pp. 139–151. (Section 24: Final Correction of Optical Instruments by Aspheric Surfaces)
3. M. Born, E. Wolf, Principles of Optics, 6th edn. (Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1980)
4. D. Malacara-Hernández, Z. Malacara-Hernández, Handbook of Optical Design, 2nd edn. (Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 2004). (section 3.5, Equation (3.37))
5. R. Winston, J.C. Miñano, P. Benitez, Nonimaging Optics (Elsevier Academic Press, New York, 2005). ISBN: 0-12-759751-4